Thursday, April 3, 2008


With the help of The Traveller Map, I've created an image of the basic area of operations for Nathan Fletcher and My Other Option.

You can see it here.

The area in the upper-right is the Imperium. The red lines around the hex edges forms the boundary. The area in the lower-left is the Aslan Hierate. The yellow lines around the hex edges form their border. In between them is the Boarderlands. The orange line running between the two empires is the Aslan-Imperial trade route. Because of the volume of traffic between the Imperium and the Hierate, the major route doesn't bother with local traffic (except for Tech-World and Pandora, but those items are usually headed to the Imperium anyway).

Because of the stellar gaps between the star clusters in the area, only long-haul subsidized liners (with Jump-3 capacity and lots of cargo room) can easily make the run. Far traders can operate in the area, but they sacrifice a lot of cargo room for Jump-2. Nathan's big idea is to modify a Subsidized Freighter (a Fat Trader) and provide local trading services to worlds within the Borderlands region.

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