Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Minor Milestones

There was a knock at the door.

"Come in, Linda," said Nathan.

The ship's engineer entered the relatively spacious Captain's Quarters and sat down in the chair Nathan indicated.

"Despite what my recruiter told me when I signed up with the Merchant Marine, this job isn't terribly exciting," said Nathan. "In fact, when it isn't boring or hard, it's usually terrifying and painful. Thus, my main rule of thumb is that any good news, no matter how minor, should be given a due celebration. With that in mind, I was hoping you'd join me for a celebratory toast."

"Sounds good to me," said Linda, "what are we celebrating?"

"I've just finished up the books for this trip," said Nathan, getting out a bottle and a couple of glasses. "We officially have enough money in reserve to keep the ship flying for a half-month. If our stuff got stolen or spaced, we'd have enough money to cover expenses. Thanks to that Zinc contract and some really lucrative goods we've moved on spec, we're about 33% ahead of my profit projections. I'd be shocked if our luck held out like this forever, but we're off to a fantastic start."

Nathan set full glasses down in front of them. "And our prospects here on Pandora look fantastic. There are tons and tons of cargo and dozens of people headed for Umemii. We'll have no trouble filling the ship and that puts us within striking distance of having a full month's reserve cash on hand."

"My retirement account thanks you," said Linda. "But we're probably going to need that reserve, it's going to be hard to fill our hold on every stop and we'll either need to take on more spec or just eat it for a leg."

"All the more reason to celebrate our speedily increasing reserves," replied Nathan.

He lifted his glass, "So here's to a half-month of insurance and the prospects of more coverage soon."

"Cheers," said Linda as their glasses clinked.


InTheFireForged said...

Oh, Wow! Just found you. Good to see someone keeping the spacelanes moving. Please post the latest months, too.

OjnoTheRed said...

I found your site via a link from The Zhodani Base. I haven't played Traveller in **years** but I'm getting drawn back in, encouraged by finding other hobbysts like you. Please keep going with your story - I think you write well. I logged your blog on StumbleUpon, I hope you get some more traffic.